This End User License Agreement (EULA) is an agreement between you and the licensor, MusicFab ( Our privacy policy outlines how we handle your personal data and protect your privacy when using our software and services. By utilizing our software and services, you consent to MusicFab use of this data in accordance with our privacy policy.

Additionally, you agree to comply with the privacy policy or notice published by the MusicFab website. Upon downloading, accessing, installing, or using the software, documentation, and collections from MusicFab (collectively referred to as "Software"), you also accept and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions of this agreement.


The Licensed Software encompasses all materials included in the files, disks, CD-ROMs, DVDs, or other media for which this EULA is provided, including but not limited to third-party computer information or software licensed by the Licensor for inclusion in the Licensed Software, written materials or files related to the Licensed Software ("Documentation"), fonts, modified versions, updates, additions, and copies of the Licensed Software.


MusicFab grants you (as an individual) a limited, revocable, personal, non-exclusive, and non-transferable license to download, install, and activate the software on one device for your personal, private, and non-commercial use. This license is subject to the terms and conditions of the agreement and your payment of the license fee. Sharing the software with others or allowing them to view its contents violates the license. You may not provide the software to multiple users over a network unless you’ve purchased a multi-user license from MusicFab advance. MusicFab reserves all rights that are not expressly granted to you under this agreement.


3.1 You agree not to modify, adapt, translate, sublicense, rent, lease, or loan any portion of the software or documentation.

3.2 You agree not to create any derivative works from the software or documentation.

3.3 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or attempt to discover the source code of the software.

3.4 You agree not to use the software in operating any business, aircraft, ship, nuclear facilities, life support machines, communication systems, or equipment where software failure could result in personal injury, death, or environmental damage.

3.5 You agree not to remove or obscure the copyright or trademark notices of MusicFab or any third parties included in the software or documentation.

3.6 You agree not to use the software to host applications for third parties as part of a facility management, timesharing, service provider, or service bureau arrangement.

3.7 You agree not to install the software on other devices without prior consent from MusicFab after it has been installed on one device.

3.8 You agree not to use the software in any manner that is illegal or unauthorized by this EULA

4. Installation:

Licensee is allowed to install the Licensed Software on only one device and must be the primary user of the device. This agreement applies to all installations of the software, and installing it on multiple devices is prohibited. However, if the Licensee wants to install the software on multiple devices, they can purchase and install multiple licenses. The Licensee is solely responsible for all expenses incurred during the installation and use of the software.

5. Trial and Purchase Policy:

During this trial period, only three songs can be downloaded. To remove any restrictions, the Licensee must register with MusicFab as described in the accompanying documentation. It is expected that the Licensee will thoroughly evaluate the software’s usefulness and functionality before making a purchase. This "try before you buy" approach is the ultimate guarantee that the software will perform to your satisfaction.

To meet the diverse needs of our customers, we develop prices for our products based on different options. If you choose to purchase individual product modules, future-released modules will require a separate purchase. However, if you opt for the MusicFab All-In-One version, not only will it comprise all the modules available at the time of purchase, but it will also automatically include any future product releases without additional purchases or fees.

6. Software Improvement Program:

At MusicFab, we are committed to protecting your privacy at all times except as otherwise provided in this Agreement. We automatically collect, maintain, process, and use information about how our software’s various modules and functionalities are being used to improve the software’s features and user experience. We also gather anonymous data for statistical analysis of software usage. We use this information solely for the purpose of providing end-users with the best possible software experience. The collected data will not be disclosed, shared, sold, traded, or rented to any third parties for marketing purposes.

7. License Transfer:

Licensee is not permitted to rent, lease, lend, sell, assign, sublicense, redistribute, or transfer the Licensed Software or the License granted by this EULA without prior written consent from the Licensor.

8. NO-WARRANTY On Licensed Software:

The licensed software provided to the licensee is offered "as is" without any warranty from the licensor, licensor suppliers, affiliates, agents, or employees regarding its use or performance. The licensor and licensor affiliates make no warranties, conditions, representations, or terms express or implied by statute, common law, custom, usage, or otherwise, including non-infringement of third-party rights, merchantability, integration, satisfactory quality, or fitness for any particular purpose, except when applicable laws in the licensee’s jurisdiction prohibit the exclusion or limitation of warranties.

Certain functions of the licensed software, referred to as "restricted functions," require third-party plug-ins installed on the device. The use of these restricted functions is the responsibility of the licensee, who must obtain proper authority to use the third-party plug-ins. The use of such third-party plug-ins is solely at the risk of the licensee.

The use of MusicFab Software is at the sole risk of the licensee, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, the entire risk of satisfactory quality, accuracy, and performance lies with the licensee. No oral or written information or advice from MusicFabor an authorized representative can create a warranty.

The software may include "open source" materials subject to open-source, copyleft, GNU General Public License, Library General Public License, Lesser General Public License, Mozilla License, Berkeley Software Distribution License, Open Source Initiative License, MIT, Apache, or public domain licenses. MusicFab makes no warranties concerning these open-source materials. The provisions on the restriction of liability in these EULA’s apply.

9. Intellectual Property Rights

The Licensor is the rightful owner of the Licensed Software and any authorized copies made by the Licensee. The intellectual property of the Licensed Software belongs to the Licensor as well as third parties, whose intellectual property has been licensed to the Licensor. The valuable trade secrets and confidential information of the Licensor and such third parties are embedded in the structure, organization, and code of the Licensed Software. The Licensed Software is protected by copyright laws of various countries, including the People’s Republic of China and the United States, and international treaty provisions. The Licensee is not granted any intellectual property rights over the Licensed Software, except as explicitly provided in this EULA. Any public statements concerning the Licensed Software or the Licensor by the Licensee require the prior express written consent of the Licensor.

The Licensee can develop plug-ins based on the open interface protocol of the Licensed Software and use them in the licensed software under their legitimate needs. However, obtaining explicit and prior written authorization from the Licensor is mandatory. If Licensee fails to obtain the aforementioned authorization, they will be solely responsible for any legal liabilities, including but not limited to loss or damage to any third party.

10. Your Information and MusicFab’s Privacy Policy

MusicFab collects personal information during the ordering and registration process strictly for internal purposes, and uses it in compliance with its respective Privacy Policy. Except as reasonably required by law, authorized by this provision, or necessary to protect MusicFab, its agents, and other participants, MusicFab will not disclose the personal information of the Licensee to any third party without their express approval.

11. MusicFab Support Center

11.1 At MusicFab Support Center, we are fully committed to providing you with the best possible software experience and assisting you in any way we can. If you require any assistance or cannot find a solution to your problem, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team at MusicFabSupport Center via the following link:

11.2 At times, MusicFab may request information about your user data and experience to assist with your queries. This information will be used to evaluate software usability, improve products and services and provide users with safe, efficient, and customized maintenance. Personal and other user information may be collected for various reasons, such as providing technical and customer support, troubleshooting problems, informing you about service updates and faults, verifying your identity and protecting your interests and those of MusicFab. The information that may be collected includes your full name (company name), email address, phone number, program error messages, version of a MusicFab program, its activation status, and technical specifications of your computer.

Rest assured that all information provided is handled with strict compliance with the respective Privacy Policy.

11.3 It’s important to note that any content (including text, images, videos, etc.) submitted to MusicFab for support is solely the responsibility of the person who provided it. As such, the user is responsible for ensuring the validity, legitimacy, completeness, applicability, and copyright compliance of any content uploaded, posted, or transmitted via MusicFab websites and file-sharing or file-hosting services. MusicFab does not control any user content.

12. Upgrade

"Software Upgrade", which is also referred to as a "Major Upgrade", is an enhanced version of the software that provides significant changes or improvements over the current version. This version comes with a charge and is denoted by a change in the primary version number.

In contrast, "Software Update," also called a "Minor Update," is a free download that addresses discovered bugs, malfunctions, and minor software improvements. MusicFab offers these updates during the development period of a particular software version.

Please note that customers can upgrade for free within the validity period of their License. Additionally, please ensure that the updated software is compatible with your device’s system requirements.

Note that MusicFab does not guarantee updates for earlier versions of the software, nor do we ensure the functionality and compatibility of previously purchased software on devices and operating systems released after the purchase. Nevertheless, we continue to provide technical support, consultations, and other assistance related to earlier purchases in line with the original system requirements.

13. Severability

If any part of this license is deemed invalid, the parties involved have agreed that the rest of the license will still remain valid and enforceable.

14. No Liability for Consequential Damages

MusicFab and its suppliers are not responsible for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages that may result from your use of the software, even if has been warned about the likelihood of such damages. In no case shall's liability for any claim, whether in a contract, tort, or other legal theory, exceed the amount paid by you for the software license, if any.

15. General Provision

This EULA constitutes the complete and exclusive agreement between you and, superseding all prior oral or written agreements or understandings regarding the subject matter herein. If any portion of this EULA is deemed invalid or unenforceable, it will not invalidate the remaining provisions, which shall continue to be valid and enforceable as per the agreement’s terms. Non-compliance with the EULA’s terms will result in automatic termination. reserves the right to modify this EULA in writing at its sole discretion at any time.